The ‘right’ kind of ‘wrong’?

There can be no reason why after sampling plenty of heterosexual parties we would still make a show at each and everyone of them. We have seen enough, we have seen enough to be very certain it’s the kind of social function you don’t want to be part of. And yet we still go. I wonder why?
Is it because there are certain things that belong to the category of ‘wrong’, and yet we choose from amongst certain choices that have certain configurations perhaps that we can manipulate, that we think we can change.
But we are wrong.
No matter how much it looks like it can be fixed.
No matter how much booze you drink everyone would still be straight by the end of the party, no matter how much sexy music you play, people won’t dance, and no matter how much you tell yourself, well it does not matter I am with my friends, antisocial attitude does not work well at parties.
It defeats the entire purpose of holding a party. If people all socialize in cliques then what’s the point in getting them all together to have split them up in “factions” again.
Is “factional politics” the only we for gay people to survive the
Cairo party scene?
It just reinforces the feeling of being a minority.
The same goes for men. You sample different “groups” of men and by time and experience you create your prohibited categories. There it is, the “wrong” category. The category of ‘no no’, yet among this category we might think that there maybe one or two no nos who might, just might be potentially “right”.
No matter how much we think that this might be “right”, its not. No matter how beautiful flowers look or how certain words mean or sound, its not right.
In the category of wrong men there are no rights.
Its wrong all the way.
For these men are wrong for good reason.
Childish, immature, not interested, selfish, wrong zodiac sign, not-your-type, have boyfriends, married, engaged, work colleagues, kinky, all sex and no brains, shallow, ignorant, naïve, provincial (yes darling!), promiscuous, and the list goes on and on of the many status/qualities/attributes that drive you insane.
The qualities of the no no.
And exposure to the heterosexual party scene does not help make it any better. It reinforces the feelings of loneliness and isolation.
And however little the “pool of eligible candidates” (ones that other sluts, hussies and tramps have not sampled and blogged about themselves) shrinks and shrinks and all of sudden the “wrong” might just be “right”.
But thank God for cheap beer and second-class vodka. For once intoxication actually has a purpose in life aside from liver cirrhosis.
It reveals.
It reveals a lot. And if the hostile Cairo dating scene and a few nice gestures made one actually forget and disregard the “wrong”, cheap beer and second-class vodka will put you right back on track.
There is no right kind of wrong.
Its wrong all the way.


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