Mais ils sont maries!

I decided to rid myself of the "stigma" of the morbid queen and resume my dating experiences through the liberating yet disturbing cyberworld, given the limited chances one has.
I was as "open" as could be. I thought if I adopt the same approach as Maria Headley did, I would say yes to everyone who asks for me a date or anything close to it!, I would eventually end up somewhere, anywhere!
Now, I did, stayed 14 hours online, scoured the web for every potential candidate for a date or anything that could pass for one.
A number of individuals seem to rise up to the occasion. "Mature" men as they say.
Endless hours spent on "pleasant conversation" and what not.
Yet learning from very recent past, I decided to make sure that my selection of potential candidates was not clouded by good intentions, for the path to hell is paved with good intentions. So, I specifically inquired about their emotional status.
A quick survey yielded the following results: five out of seven "interesting" candidates listed married in their relationship status!!
Five.. !!
I wasted precious time, energy and intellectual juice for five married men!
It is one thing to waste precious time with a gentleman who is already involved in a particular form of emotional arrangement (i.e. "open relationship") then to actually try to win the precarious, transient affection/attention of a married man!
It takes the entire matter to a different moral and social plain.
Without dwelling much on the ethical argument about why its "wrong" to actually hook up with a married man, lets say I was not thrilled at the prospect!


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