Against all the Odds?

After my little diatribe, that seemed to drag endlessly, I thought I could use some time "off the scene", just till the heat cools off.
But our Lord works in mysterious ways!
Before I know it Kiki had a bunch of parties lined up her sleeve. I confided in Kiki it will not be a very sound idea that I make an appearance, considering how popular and loved she is, I would hate it if people start associating her with me, which would be unfair to Kiki and so far from the truth.
But Kiki would not have it any other way, and insisted that I show up and face the music.
And if I get bashed on the head, then I deserve it, I had it coming, she told me.

So out of Cairo, on towards the suburbs, our little ghetto, I was escorted by three kindred spirits, whose concern about me and all that has been happening lately, endeared them more to me and I found this sincerity touching and very unexpected.
I was not completely absolved from all of my sins, but in a show of sympathy and compassion and in a very Tennessee Williams moment, the crazy, delusional protagonist found kindness with unexpected strangers.
I was relieved and decided to enjoy the moment of temporary peace and postpone the moral argument for later.
There was a party to attend to!
As usual there would be no party without Kiki or her music.
Our very liberal host, who spared no space and no means for our comfort and enjoyment made sure that we have everything we need to "get this party started".
And started it did.
With lots of pelvic gyrations, contorted facial expressions and lewd, suggestive gestures and movements, the dance floor was awash with people.
But as usual, each individual seems attached to his/er immediate line of kin.
We all constellated around our respective groups, and it was interesting and amusing to see how the space was divided.
And the lines by which the space was divided, held little empty space where the tension most concentrated.
The closer you get to those lines, the stronger the tension.
Till one moment one person crosses the line and this is when the real show begins.

This time, it was a not a very happy moment! The person who crossed the line was heavily intoxicated, on a real bad trip like they say, whose foray in uncharted territory was accompanied by an extreme degree of aggression.
One very dear friend was subjected to a very violent ritual of courtship!
Its one way to scream and blow up your cheeks to impress females, and its another to grab and hit them!
Not before long, our intoxicated friend was escorted outside and it was decided its best if we all called it a night.

The very next day Kiki called me announcing that there are at least three parties lined up!
Content and yet a little apprehensive about repeating the same performance again, I decided to gamble and go.
Considering that one particular party, was by a dear dear friend, who I would not miss his party for anything.
With a lot of wine, like it was the Last Supper, we made our first stop, at that enigmatic island at the heart of Cairo, in 50s residential building, we went to our first party of the night.
Our host was a friend of Kiki, who graciously welcomed us and surprise surprise had some very interesting music played in the background!
I knew I liked the party already!
But good things don't last and despite the fact that our host and his partner were both two little darlings, the party was populated by former nemesises .
So out of courtesy to our host we decided to stay for a few drinks and a dance or two.
Kiki, never the one to shy from the dance floor, ventured on and joined the few people dancing, I on the other hand was dehydrated and needed a stiff drink.
I decided I need fresh air to go with my drink, so out on my host's beautiful terrace, a cigarette and fresh air were imperative.
Not long after I was half way through my cigarette, Kiki decided it was time to go.
Go West!
While I was certain that the other party would be the party of the week and that everyone is sure to make an appearance, I gathered whatever moral resolve I had left and decided to make an appearance.
My dear dear friend welcomed with unprecedented warmth and kindness and one I explained that he jeopardized ruining his party by inviting me, he insisted that this was my party too and if anyone does not like it, s/he can leave.
Vindicated beyond my wildest expectations, I was very moved and made up my mind to stay a while and prove to all my detractors that simple gestures of kindness go a long way.

At every corner of the party there were familiar and not so welcomed faces.
There was Snitch Junior in all her social climbing glory, childhood friends, old beaus, a bunch of pseudo-Judas, and faces that I got used to, more out of habit than anything.
One gentleman whom I always had a secret liking, an unfinished business of sorts and through which I nearly embarrassed myself by publicly kissing him.
And a childhood friend, who for some cabalistic wisdom, we both don't really quite understand, went separate ways.
But I missed him.
And he missed me.
And in a very surreal moment, overcome with longing and anguish we both surrendered whatever it is that kept us apart, and for the briefest interval of time, things were just like what they used to be.
De profundis, undiluted and unrehearsed.
And we gave each other the kiss of peace.
I knew that particular moment it was time to go.
For I could not handle anymore emotional ruptures.
Kiki being the social butterfly she is, was all over the place, I had to drag her and bid our kind host good bye.
It a gamble, against all the odds, but it was worth gambling for.


echo said…
Yeah .. yesterday party could be much better without those weirdos but he got the lessons to never make open party anymore.
they put the cigarettes in the food :-S
Anonymous said…
7abeit el cabalistic reason, lol!
Anyway, this post made me happy :)!!

Pls don't add or remove parts of ur posts, I never spot these, I realized u added a new part to this post by pure chance,next time, why don't u write a new part-2 post instead?
Moses said…
marvelous tour de force
E said…
Noted anon :)

And as usual, darling M, you are a sight to sore eyes

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