The Secret?

So New Age philosophy finally hit the gay scene! Now every bitch in town, is raving about "positivity", "dig deep", "hate", "attitude".
How profound!
When did hatred become out of fashion? And anger an "unsexy" emotion?
Comment after comment seething with resentment and despicable self-righteousness.
Like any good Samaritan would do, leave some lame-ass comment inspired from an insipid, recycled, self-help trash.

It took Siddhartha 80 years to search for the truth, and even he, constantly said, "it slipped" him.
Even the Buddha felt sadness, melancholy, anger, fear.
He even overate!
Thats how he died!
Too much pork!

While I have tremendous respect for Buddhism as a philosophy and an extraordinary human legacy, it can not be reduced to some hackneyed cliches of "self-improvement".

Anger, resentment, hate, bitterness, loss, fury are legitimate human emotions, that we as humans are allowed to express and experience, in full range.
Every tone and shade of them.
No one can ever censor our right to experience emotions as we will and as we feel.

Even Jesus beat the Jews with sticks and stones when he entered the Temple, the same Jesus who said turn the other cheek, if Jesus can get furious and angry, why the fuck can't a bitter queen?

Or have feelings become unseemly?
A bitch has a fit and everyone is at her throat!
Bloody hell!
Every single prophet in the Bible and the Old Testament, cussed, called names and even beat the shit out of people, even slapped angels!
Not one single "spiritual" leader that we know of, be it Confucius, Buddha, Guru Nanak did not at some point experience a "negative emotion" and express it in the most verbal, colorful, physical of ways.
Even Muhammad, experienced anger, hate and sadness.
None of these enlightened figures ever preached the excision of emotions.
Negative or otherwise.
What they preached is moderation, a constant state of mindfulness.
We should be aware of where are emotions are taking us, not to suspend them in mid air like a trapeze artist in the circus.
Thats not human.
Thats artificial, artful and pretentious.

Preaching the doctrine of "positivity" as the panacea for all modern ills is ridiculous.
This is not a defense of holding grudges or nursing anger, but when these states of mind and these emotions arise, its perfectly human to experience them and to express them.
What every bitch in town misunderstood, as usual, is to take what I write seriously.
I don't.
And while there is always an element of truth, something always floats on the surface, its not an accurate, precise reflection of the so-called reality.
Any "drama", by definition holds an element of exaggeration, its fictitious, we impersonate a character and speak in its voice.
But if the audience take it for the truth, then it only shows how good the drama is! lol
Personally I would pick a drama any day of the week, than any of those the so-called "positive attitudes" every vicious queen has been preaching about.
At least I don't have the emotional range of a tea spoon or the mind of one.


Anonymous said…
I LOVED this post, negativity has its pivotal role in personal growth, killing it or simply denying it, in my opinion, makes us overlook our tender spots, the points in us we need to work on, the new challenge life puts in front of us, the new barrier that is preventing us from feeling good and/or achieving what we want. We are not computers, and the negative emotions are part of the equation, they define the positive ones, they complete the amazing game of life.
Yet E, u r too hard on the "Vicious queens", as u said yourself, they r new to it and it is a hard process, needing a thousand lifetimes to achieve, repeated reincarnation cycles, to achieve the ever elusive balance, to embrace the negative without dwelling on it and by internalizing it make it part of the positive, not as radically (and often ridiculously) as self help makes it sound, but in a calmer, more truthful way.
This is my view in this moment of my life and I'm sure it will change in a few years, yet right now, this makes me feel better about things somehow.
Peace to everyone.
Anonymous said…
Hey, I do agree to that annonymous comment. This Blog can develop into a "genre"! Gay-Anger-Speak.
You have a genre in your hands here, work with it, I'm sure this is going somewhere

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