Caustic, Witty and very Tall

Not one queen has not been seen mourning the loss of Beatrice Arthur , or Bea as she is affectionately called by her fans and admirers.
I was no different.
I was mourning Our Lady of Caustic Humor.
There is a role model for you, a woman with a Baritone voice, a wit sharp as a razor and height that puts a basket ball player to shame.
The woman practically looked like a drag queen.
You don't get a better role model than this.
She always said she was forced to fend for herself, she was the tallest girl in class and she had the choice to listen to people laughing at her, or laugh along.
And she laughed along.
She was voted the wittiest girl in class.
Evolutionary biologists would have a field day.
The sharper the comments and the snipes, the sharper the wit.
And by the time she was on TV she was not only the tallest woman on TV, she was the smartest, the funniest and had so much character, she could spare some.
So much for angry, bitter queens!
I find her my biggest inspiration.. whoever said dissing does not get you places!
Rest in peace Bea.


Ice Queer said…
May she rest in peace =)
She was hilarious, especially in Sex & the city parody =D

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