Kol Sana wu intie Tayeba ya Didi hee hee!!

Far from the truth that I do not believe gay people to be spiritual.
The tradition of gay Wiccans dating back from the 60s is quite a colorful and an endearing experience of how a minority can appropriate an already marginal esoteric sect and make it sound more cloyed and sentimental than it already sounds.
Call me old fashioned but I like the so-called muscular Christianity.

Anyways, out of spite, and a little malice and one dark dash of vindictiveness I received a message from Didi Jr. wishing many happy returns for the blessed season!

Far from me to be surprised or even slightly shocked at the vicious venom that Didi Jr. spits all around her, for a split of a second it gave me junk food for thought.

Quickly dismissed from my mind, I then came across darling M's pure gold, the word that says it all, the "moral bankruptcy" of the gay scene.
Put two in two together the junk food for thought, and the statement that resonated deeply with what I always felt, the moral maladies of the gay community.

And while I might disagree with M on a few points, one of which would be the fact that there is a GLBT center in every major European city I can think of. Which usually offers support groups, AIDS counseling, youth activities,...etc.
If the lifestyle choices, and identity representations of the gay community remains to be in desperate need to be thoroughly examined and overhauled, these basic features are moral conditions that merits a sustained, recognized, acknowledged sense of what a community is and stands for.

But what do we have?
A quick scroll in the three main networking sites that we have (being the good Muslim girl that I am, I only checked them after Iftar *wink wink*) we don't even find the semblance of organization or even the desire to.
And I don't mean organization in the radical, leftist sense of creating a group with the purpose of destroying and overthrowing the existing social order in mind.
No, I mean organization in the sense of a basic structure, a corrective mechanism, by which interest are articulated and served in a way.

What do we have?
We have the moral hypocrisy that Didi Jr. keeps singing its tune, justifying every vice and "sin" because of the so-called double standard.
Is it a moral hypocrisy?
Far from me to be "ungenerous" in such a blessed season, but one quick look at the thousands profiles on Mansham, and I was astounded by the heartfelt wishes of Ramadan Kareem and Kol Sana wu entom Tayebeen.
Is it hypocrisy or a desperate attempt at reconciliation?
I am not judging whether its a valid (or successful for that matter) reconciliation, but it shows the deeply conflicted nature of all those who expressed their desires (dare I say sexuality?) in this particular way.

Can we fetishize the rituals of a religion (the way our martyr and Lady of Prepetual Ignorance did) and indulge in an attitude of complete apathy and disregard for our place in society on the grounds of moral or religious hypocrisy?

For how long can we keep this show running?

Ghettos can exist forever, but the point of confrontation is bound to happen.
What legacy can we capitalize on? We don't have Milk or Stonewall. The Queen boat fiasco can hardly account for a struggle for human rights.

What is our moral economy? Or lack thereof? The complete absence of a system of values or the semblance of particular norms can not continue to exist on the grounds of moral hypocrisy or moral relativism.

Is there any structure or mechanism by which we express or even sustain the so-called virtual community?
The word community itself elicits such sneer and aversion from the people I know/knew.
For how long can we actually dismiss our own complete lack of any moral fiber and yet still exist?

wu ramadan kareem ya Djidji!


Anonymous said…
Why didn't you stop for a second, give her the benefit of doubt and think if she sent this message to really wish you happy returns for the blessed season?

I'm sorry, but it seems that you are the one who is full of vindictiveness and vicious venom!
Anonymous said…
A good Muslim girl like you should follow the following:
إليكم برنامج شهر رمضان المعظم
*في تمام الساعة 12.00 تلتقون مع فيلم ' إوعى تصلي الظهر ' و هو فيلم تدور قصته حول غبي لعب الشيطان بعقله فترك لقاء الله عز وجل ومناجاته و تابع برامجنا
*في تمام الساعة 15.00 تلتقون مع برنامج ' إنسى وِردك ' و هو برنامج نستضيف فيه العديد من الفنانين جاءوا فقط ليلهو سعادتك عن وردك من القران ..
*في تمام الساعة 16.00 تلتقون مع المسلسل الشيطاني ' صل العصر في البيت ' وهو مسلسل لاقى نجاحا كبيرا في أوساط ضعاف العقول و الإيمان حيث تدور فكرته الأساسية ان الصلاة في المسجد غير مهمة و صلاتك في بيتك أحسن ..
*في تمام 17.30 تلتقون مع برنامج ' إربح المليون ' هو برنامج مسابقات يتيح لك الفرصة لتربح ملايين الدولارات و في نفس الوقت يسمح لك بنسيان وردك من ذكر الله و بالتالي تفقد ملايين الحسنات ..
*مع صلاة المغرب تلتقون مع النقل المباشر للحفل الفني الذي يحييه العديد من عدوى انفسهم و عدوى الامة و طبعا نقدم لك الحفل تغطية عن النقل المباشر للصلاة من الحرم ..
*في تمام الساعة 20.00 تلتقون مع الجزء الثاني من فيلم ' إلا التراويح ' و هو فيلم يمتد من قبل صلاة العشاء الى حدود الساعة 22.00
ومع السهرة تسهرون الليلة مع فيلم ' نم وعليك ليل طويل ' و هو فيلم بالاشتراك مع الشيطان قصته تدور حول غبي سمح للشيطان (بطل الفيلم) ليبول في اذنه وينومه عن صلاة الفجر و العديد من الأحداث المثيرة .. أترك لكم بقيتها في جهنم ..
*لا تنسوا شعارنا :

مع قناة الافلام مش حتقدر تسيبنا و تصلي !!

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