Girlfriend diss me never?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pah-lease! Give us and urself a break! U r Egypt's #1 Desperate queen so stop sophisticating every tiny thing 2 sweet coat ur desperate reality!

November 13, 2008 3:51 AM

While I am all for "sister to sister" support and respect, and all my fellas know this about me, I am not afraid to put my foot down, call a viciousness queen a "bitch" to her face and say "You treacherous little bitch, you wanna piece of me, you can bring it on".
But then my question to my "sister" who took the time and the effort to read my doctored up posts, and to actually comment on them, why bother sweetheart?
Here is my answer to you.
Why don't you spare yourself, and me, the trouble.
If you don't like it, don't read it.
Its definitely not meant for you.
And while I don't think you deserve the compliment of rationality, or that you merit a response, I am very flattered that you, despite your personal aversion to my self an my person, waste your time and energy to actually read my posts and diss me!
Thank you!
Hate is one very twisted form of flattery!
I will continue writing (unless you shut down my blog, which will be very unfortunate indeed) and you can continue hating.
How about that arrangement? Sounds fine?
I have been mugged, dumped, and homeless on the streets, I will be God damned, if I am going to be terrorized by some nasty, lame-ass, vicious queen.


Moses said…
Great blog, I hope its ok I'm adding a link to it on mine. x M

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