The thrill is gone?

The thrill is gone?

Where is it? Can we possibly lose it? How can we rationalize our indifference to pleasant, “nice” potential interesting gentleman? How can anyone become so “disinterested”?
I am mystified by my own sense of indifference. I am also mad at my own apathy.

What do I want? What do men want?

They want an intelligent conversation? They want sex? They want sex with an intelligent conversation? They sex without an intelligent conversation? They want sex with no consequences? They want sex and intelligent conversation with no consequences? They want no sex and intelligent conversation with no consequences?
What moral paradigm do men went to operate within? I keep trying to uncover the parameters of such a ideal and I fail miserably.
Its beyond me.
And every time I get the same nasty surprise. I miscalculated as usual. I had the wrong set of expectations and I received the wrong set of results
But what is it that men want? And is it this fact that makes “us” (meaning I and the sisterhood of misery) give up completely the possibility of ever actually enjoying men altogether. Aside from the casual moments of faux serious attention this blog is based on. There is nothing really.

There is nothing beyond that. Beyond the many silly voices that squeak here and there, I strain my mind to think of one meaningful attachment that was formed (or could be formed?) with a gentleman of the same sex.

Its different means and different ends. And they clash all the way. And I can’t think of any proper mechanism of resolution save the block button on the MSN messenger.

At least thats how I was dealt with.

Or sleeping with my friends. That seems to be the common method of resolving conflicts of interests. It seems to be a happy arrangement for quite a number of people.
What would it take to have one chance to actually get to meet someone who is interesting? Or it has nothing to do with the someone and “the thrill” is ultimately “gone”?


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