Last Words and Memorable Quotes according to Astrology

"....same-sex relationships are doomed to failure", said one Aquarius "gentleman".

".....I am too old, you're too young it just won't work", said another Virgo "gentleman" (this gentleman was eight years older).

"...but I don't know what I want, I want to try both and...I like both!!", said one bisexual Taurus gentleman. (NB I am not using these designation out of personal conviction. These designation were chosen by the respective parties themselves... !!).

"....and my boyfriend, we have been together for years", said another Taurus gentleman.

"....and I have a boyfriend who is doing his postgraduate studies abroad", said another Capricorn gentleman.

"...but I have a boyfriend, and we are in an open relationship, and I am fucking confused about it!", said one Leo "gentelaman".

"...and I want to get married one day and have children", said another Sagittarius "gentleman".

This post is about last words said before the "gentleman caller" hits the old dusty trail. And if these are not the last words then they are the most memorable. The ones that echo long after the "gentleman caller" is out of sight. Long after he is no longer near, he is no longer there, he is no longer heard.
They are usually the most genuine words a "gentleman caller" will ever say, and one should not expect much out of a "gentleman caller" of that kind. The kind that shows such intense interest but yet would not want to go outside his comfort zone, to go out of his way to actually have anything meaningful or lasting beyond the setting of casual, awkward intimacy.

Stolen moments behind the back of a lover, the ghost of lover or the fear of the idea of having one.

Again we have multiple story threads for each of those "gentlemen". And a pile-up of events that unsurprisingly culminated in these very quips I liberally quote.

One story line is the line of "social reform". Aquarius have always been the visionaries. With idealistic notions to save the world. And you can not save the world if you have a "boyfriend". Not even a girlfriend I dare say. So in this context same-sex relationships are naturally doomed to failure. And they were. That’s why people grow beards and get married.. !!

The Virgo line is the line of "intergenerational conflict". How could a young gentleman explain his intimate relationship with a young, budding adolescent? And even when the years took its toll, how could he explain the "age-difference"?
In a patriarchal society where relationships between men are governed by circulation of heterosexual coupling/arrangements, same-sex intergenerational relationships seem out of context. This is the economy of patriarchy.
So what do you do?
You get married and have anonymous sex with other men who are married too!

Tauruses want everything. Most of the time. The comfort, the stability, the fun. And they want it pretty. For they do everything beautifully.
This line is the line of puerile sexuality. One that was arrested at the age of six. For only children have enough curiosity and naiveté to think they can want everything and have it too.
But what if what you want entails delving into the world of perverted gender identities and social pariahs?
You adopt the outlook of Saint Genet! Raise violence, aggression and cruelty to mystical levels. And celebrate crude sexuality as a moral ideal, and the abuse of "queer beings", as the inevitable outcome of their fragility and moral predicament, quoting Jean Genet once more…
That’s why you go sleep with one guy one day, then sleep with one of his female friends the following day. !!

Tauruses also have little moral qualms. A deep sense of moral superiority coupled with an inflated sense of injustices done against them, gives them this unshakable sense of moral pliability.
Which seems to go well with their desire to have everything all at the same time.
So what if you are "stuck" (with some serious reservations with the use of the word "stuck") in a relationship that serves a number of needs and yet is lacking in some aspects?
You turn to the nearest "hysterical-queen-next-door"!!
And you get exactly what you want, and when she goes "hysterical", you say exactly this, "....and my boyfriend, we have been together for years" !!

Not all Earth signs cheat. Well, at least I would like to think that some still have any more integrity left. And Capricorns are an interesting bunch. They will rarely lie, unless they have a serious air affliction in their astrological birth chart, a Gemini somewhere can do that. But mainstream Capricorns have a pragmatic sense of honesty.
I like that actually.
But like their fellow Tauruses, they believe that in whatever they have, whatever they acquire they must get their full gratification out of it. Or else.
They will seek it elsewhere.
But the moral pragmatism of Capricorns does not lead them to the same turn as their fellow Tauruses.
They will declare their situation from the very start. And they will make you a deal. They will make you an offer you can not refuse.
But in the context of a "courtesan". A cortigiana onesta, for the exchange of quality companionship, the courtesan expects to be "sponsored" by her client.
The difference between a common whore and an "honest courtesan", is that while the first one can execute fellatio with perfect precision she can not hold a conversation or entertain. An "honest courtesan" can.
So while engaging in delightful, intelligent conversation with your Capricorn "gentleman", he casually makes this illuminating reference, "....and I have a boyfriend who is doing his postgraduate studies abroad"…

Leos define the world in reference to themselves. Their self-centeredness is natural. Therefore, the moral sense is also seen in that context. Using their "self" is the ultimate moral arbiter.
And it is this "ego" that makes them rarely admit that they are "wrong". That they might, just might, have made the "wrong" choice or the wrong "decision".
And because of this vanity they many times end up in extremely unfulfilling relationships. Where they would rather stay unhappy then admit they made the "wrong" choice.
But while they are unfulfilled and they try every possible way to maintain their relationship, they unconsciously "reach out".
And they charm, captivate, bewitch but when the moment of final confrontation comes, to confront the fact that you chose the wrong person they back off! And cower before the undiluted ardor of an earth sign.. !!

Nothing is more interesting than the "official clown" of the Zodiac! Sagittarius are hilarious!
They are!
There is not any other sign that has the same emotional separation as Sagittarius do. Absolutely conflicting moral and ethical positions exist and sit side by side in perfect harmony for this sign.
They have little problems flirting their asses off with guys at one point and declaring their unshakable faith in the institution of heterosexual marriage!
They are interested in all aspects of life, in knowing about it and the mere idea of "people" fascinates them to no end.
And like his fellow signs, Sagittarius is fascinated with "intelligent conversation" (the mandatory, understatement of this blog) and the moment he sees it, he will seize it!
But then again there is "ideal", very similar to the Aquarius one but with more humanism and less detachment, that tend to give Sagittarius men this schizophrenic mentality.

All this raises serious questions about what is it then the "perfect arrangement"?

Is it one that remains undefined, one can not dare speak its name, for the moment you define it or speak its "name", it acquires an existence beyond a fictitious semblance behind a close door. Its an arrangement where one has zero or no expectations and where its development hinges on the subtle working of "chance" and "fate".

That would be the perfect arrangement. For those who have wives, absent boyfriends or guilt complexes or schizophrenic mentalities.

And since those are the ones who actually seem to show any interest at all, then one has no choice then to go on and on bitching about it, post after post!!


Convict said…
Yes, this is the awkward state of affairs that we live in. I think you have hit the nail on the head. Fear of committment? And 'dating'? What the fuck?! Are we living in the 1950s? This is the language of milkbars and American diners! God, it pisses me off...
paloma said…
bang on with the tauri... although some of us, wanting it all, may know that it is not all available all of the time, or even ever, depending on circumstance, this is a big fucking shame. actually from oliver, not paloma.

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