Ectstatic Awkwardness

Rarely does time give one the same opportunity twice. And rarely do we experience the same sensation twice.
It was in this light, that my next experience took place. Time is an ocean, and like an ocean it takes you to strange places, through fateful journeys. Not all of which are terror free, or damage free.
And this was not either. It was not terror free or damage free.
The "gentleman caller" I was involved with this time, is a master in the visual arts. His appeal to the world of the senses is both touching and exciting.
Its not everyday, you get to meet someone who understands how to deal with the senses so well. My "gentleman caller", was an undisputed connoisseur when it came to that.
For each and every sense there is.. the sense of sight, audio, touch.. each was exquisitely basked in a sensory overload..
Ever so soft, ever so sure, the way you would slowly and delicately work a sea-shell to open up, and once it does, you exert more pressure as you go.. to split it open completely.. and take its essence..
to be continued..


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