Till there was None..

    'Tis the season to be jolly,
    Fa la la la la la la la la.
    Don we now our gay apparel
    la la la la la la la.
    Troll the ancient Christmas carol,
    Fa la la la la la la la la.'

There is so much that is gay about Christmas. A hint: Its not only the apparel. Its the season for parties, an excuse to buy shiny objects to decorate trees and a perfect occasion to engage in irresponsible drinking. And what better time to do all of this with your nearest and dearest, your crew, the girls.
There is a lot that I love about Christmas, not the least, the festivities, the ornaments and the memories of all the Christmas parties at school, the carols, the Christmas cartoons we watched every year (Mickey's Christmas Carol, not the 3D shit but the 1983 one, used to give me nightmares until I turned 20).
I even started my own Christmas tradition (being Muslim and all, living in a country where the overwhelming majority of Christians are not even Catholic, but what the hell globalization and post-colonialism know no boundaries). I would invite the girls over for a Christmas bake-off, where Zizi indulges in the an oven orgy and the result is an endless array of baked goodies and watch Mickey's Christmas Carol.
And every year for the past 8 years, the eccentric morbid queen, would dutifully go to her kitchen, bake herself silly and invite the girls for good old-fashioned home-baked shit and what started  off as a little soiree for a small, select group of 6 to 8 people ended being a tiny gathering of 2 to 3 people.
Every year, every Christmas, one would slip away.
Till finally this year, 'there were none'.
The eccentric morbid queen stood in her kitchen, kept herself warm by the oven, kept herself busy with the baking and watched Disney's Christmas Carol alone.
For there is no one to celebrate with.
They don't exist no more.


Anonymous said…
:( I hope things change this coming Christmas.

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