
Your sister tells you: 'I slept with this guy.....'
And half way through her sentence, you tell her: 'Oh, I slept with him too....'

Your sister asks you: 'Who did you sleep with?'
You tell your sister: 'XY is his name'
Your sister tells you: 'Oh I slept with him too....'

Your sister tell you: 'How was the sex?'
You tell your sister: 'Ok. How is the party?'
Your sister tells you: 'Just OK? Come come, everyone knows already you had sex!'

You tell your sister: 'I just met this guy he is....'
And half way through the sentence your sister tells you: 'Oh, I know him! I slept with him before! Bad breath, one testicle, versatile,....Oops! I said too much!'

Your sister asks you: 'Tell me what was the guy's name, I might know him'
You tell your sister: 'XY is his name'
Your sister tells you: 'I know him. He is partnered by the way....'

You tell your sister: 'Let me fix you up with this guy. I know he's cheesy but the sex is not half bad!'
Your sister tells you: 'Give me the number...'
You tell your sister: 'xxxxxxxxxx'
Your sister tells you: 'Its XY! I already have his number. He is a douchebag'

It is no secret how incestuous the gay scene is in general, and ten times as much in Cairo.
The chance that anything stays private is close to nil and the chance you sleep with someone that did not already sleep with half your friends is close to nil as well.

There is no escape.
Put a minority that is sexually active and promiscuous by definition in one space, and there you get it.
The most complicated incestuous arrangements ever witnessed.
The degree of its complexity is overbearing.
Nothing is a secret, no one is anonymous, no one is invisible and nothing stays hidden.
The chance of a 'clandestine' affair is a romantic fantasy. An idealism so far fetched its no longer comprehensible.
You would not think that with a minority that is so underground, so 'invisible' to the outside world that this would be so 'communal', so 'public'.
It very much feels like we were so fed up with our invisibility, specifically located within our sexuality, that we decided that which we must keep hidden from the outside world, we will reveal, so proudly, amongst ourselves.
There shall be no more secrets amongst us. No more invisibility.
Our sexuality will be acted out, manifested, amplified, exalted, announced, circulated, so all shall be known.
There shall be no censorship, no sense of reticence, no holding back.
For why should we?
If the world wants us to keep what we do (which is part of who we are) a secret then why should we continue the silence amongst ourselves?

But oh this goes beyond verbalizing desire.
This has body politics written all over it. It has competition over limited resources (i.e. Men).
It has demographic nightmares and socio-economic hell.
It has the claustrophobic and stifling atmosphere of a minority. Of a ghetto.
Of 'Sista I had him first' and 'Sista he wasn't man enough for me'
Of 'Sista the boy is mine' and 'Sista you can have him, I don't want him'

And it is vicious, and it is horrible, and there is a lingering atmosphere of this competitive drive to secure the biggest number of extraordinary sex partners (hot, top, hung, cut, uncut,...etc), the same way one would accumulate fortune or academic degrees.
And one is judged by one's performance.
It is no longer about subverting identity or expanding a field of desire or securing the same social and political rights, or seeking acceptance.
Its gossip, its chatter, tittle-tattle, blabber blabber, twiddle-twaddle and can't you just shut up?

Your sister tells you: 'Keep up that attitude and you will never get laid!'
You tell her: 'Sista don't bother me'


Anonymous said…
When could this change? Would we ever be able to organise?
Anonymous said…
Being a guy of limited intelligence, I may be missing the mark here. What does incest...anything have to with your post. You were not talking about sibling sex as far as I can tell. I know other meanings for, "sister", but my poor old mind can't keep all of those balls up in the air at once. Not once did I hear you say that sister saw you looking a little depressed, and decided to give you a blow job! We can all dream, but unfortunately for me, my sister is a twin to Mother Theresa! Ugh!

I do want to thank you for your blog as it has been a source of education. The most femine gay guy in the world, he is still cursed with man's "screw everything that moves, and some that don't" nature. At least dogs show the breeding (No Pun Intended) to not look back as they are walking away from sex, saying to everyone around, "Yep, look at that, I dunn good!" And of course we'll never really know if dogs share any information among themselves about who was a good lay, and who is hung like a Saint Bernard. LOL, of course they do say HI by smelling each other's butts, so maybe we're even! TC Don
Anonymous said…
Hello My Friend! I no longer have blogspot sign-on, but I'm the guy from Ohio. Seeing in the news, all of the demonstrations and riots in your country, made me think of you immediately! I pray you and your family are safe, and that somehow a government and leadership can be formed that will greatly increase your country's opportunities, freedoms, and life conditions for everyone there! When you are able, please keep your readers apprised of what is happening! Again, thoughts and prayers! Take Care! Don
Anonymous said…
My friend, I have been following all of the happenings in your country, and with great relief and joy, Mubarak being gone is a miracle beyond my imagination! I hope your people reap great benefits from a new, more free government! May great peace and opportunities come to your country. TC Don

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