This One is for the Girls

Ok ok I get it, I'll write a more "sexy" post.
Thats what I kept telling my devoted readers after a spell of faux intellectual posts that was strictly intellectually friendly.
After numerous rumours that the eccentric morbid queen is facing a dry spell and that she is indulging in post-structuralist sapphic caprice, the eccentric morbid queen decided to put an end to those vicious rumours and write something more "sexy".
Fine lets get dirrrrty and put it down for the girls.

Long time ago, before WikiLeaks took away our so-called "innocence" regarding America's foreign policy, the eccentric morbid queen thought she was a woman of means and decided to have a place of her own. Believing in the old-time adage:
"For one t0 have sex, one must have a room of one's own" (with due apologies to Virginia Woolf)
This of course didn't last, but while it did it produced interesting effects.. !
A firm believer that the issue of space, personal space, public space, private space, personal space is one of the most contested issues in a society like ours.
So when finally enjoying the privilege of such elusive and contested prerogative, the morbid queen decided its time to explore all those endless possibilities and engage with eligible Egyptian men.
Yes, I said it, the taboo, 'Egyptian Men'.
Its out there and now we have to deal with it.
Whether fetishized, or vilified, or dismissed, I still think I owe it to my people to give them a chance.
And a chance she did!
One Egyptian gentleman made it worth her while *wink wink*
Fulfilling some of those "ethnic" fantasies, the dark skin, the cheesy talk, the undue sentimentality, all of it. The Egyptian treat.
And the eccentric morbid queen was treated to an overdose of all those lush promises no man ever intends to keep.
And that gentleman promised her the world.
Never the one to give in without being ruthlessly critical (yes I used the word 'ruthless' and 'critical' in the same sentence and it was not a Freudian slip) she dismissed all those empty, scripted bullshit her gentleman made and only took it for what it is, a good time!
And why ruin something good if you can have more of it?
Emboldened by her new found sense of false freedom the eccentric morbid queen decided to call up that same gentleman the day after and ask for an encore performance.
Ah! But its not that simple!
Egyptian men don't have the reputation of 'm3araseen' (all talk and no action) for nothing.
The gentleman never answered her calls.
And to add insult to injury when trying to set another time for that so-called "second date" the gentleman stood her up!
Offended beyond measure, the morbid queen decided that she was well beyond her feminist days, and that Egyptian men should remain right where they are, nothing but a fetishized fantasy.


Anonymous said…
beyond her feminist days hahahaha!

back to ur sense of humor bravo!
Anonymous said…
Oh....That Cairo! Well, I have to quit commenting on your posts then since I know little of your culture. Years ago, before you were born, I did visit Cairo for a short time, but your world there is so much different than here in the U.S. Best wishes to you and your readers! TC

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