The Truth Shall Set You Free?

In the Gospel of John, Jesus addresses the Jews who believed in him promising that if they hold on to his teachings, then they shall know the truth (other translations use 'will' instead of 'shall' I will stick the Kings James Translation) and that shall set them free.

Free from what?

The bondage of belief in something that never 'really' is.
The notion of truth here, is a knowledge that corresponds to reality, a reality that if we believe in we are no longer bound to illusions and the frustrations and misery that it creates.

Of course believing in Jesus is one truth, but here I speak of a much simpler and maybe more "worldly" truth.
Carnal to be exact.

The reality I speak of, is the reality we all face when you browse through the handful of profiles and cyber-representations of all those anonymous individuals we hope are the "right" ones for us.
There is 'topmancairo', 'noproblem', 'toohotforwords', 'machomacho', and the list goes on and on of profile names that are meant to stir and inspire us (dare I say excite?) to actually click and see.

And it hinges on two modes of operation:
1) Person X has a series of personal portraits that reveal to us more than we would like to know about his body, so we get to know him in the 'biblical' sense.
2) Person Y is too discrete for his own good, so he lists a series of certain physical and personal attributes with a little snappy text about how 'serious' he is and how 'please do not waste my time' if you too are not as "serious" as 'I am'.

In both cases reality as far from either of the two representations.

I doubt Jesus would agree with Debra Messing when she said, 'The sexiest thing a man can give to a woman is honesty'.
Aside from the appeal of honesty in a way that would excite us sexually, I think this is one part of the truth that liberates us.
In a way from all the expectations, assumptions, frustrations,...etc

In both cases person X and person Y are so far from the truth.

Person X assumed that obscene personal photos can make up for a personality and person Y assumed that the so-called discretion he seeks justifies all the delusional attributes he claims he posses.

I am personally all for subversion.
Appropriate something and make it your own.
This is halfway through creativity.
But that does not include fictitious narratives about oneself.
Claiming that you're combating the sexual objectification of the body in cyberspace.

So when I click on your profile and you claim you are too intellectual for this space and yet you are the ultimate 'top' of your generation using the term 'XL' to refer to your penis size, while in reality your intellect does not go beyond petty journalism and your penis is below the universal average (6.5 inches according the WHO largest survey ever done to find a median average for the adult male penis) then THIS is not subversion.

This is delusional.

This is the kind of bondage we all fall servile to because of the margin between the "truth" and what we read and see.

We are always "playing" within this margin.

What we hope might be true and what we know very well is far from reality.

I for one, would rather someone tell me 'I am morbidly obese with a below average size penis' than to say 'Fit with an XL schlong'.

(maybe to be continued)


Anonymous said…
to take this further. a lot of people are actually freaked out by receiving the truth. even if it wasn't related to morbid obesity. they would prefer the sweet illusion of fancy guys over people who admits their flaws, even if they're well aware of the fallibility.

just a though.

ps. waiting for part II :)
Anonymous said…
I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?
E said…
My dear Anon,
Thank you for your interest!
But I am not sure what does this entail actually?

Or rather how can I be of help?
Anonymous said…
it's good to be back, great work :)

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