No Country for Gay Men?

As a gossip queen who lives on fads and pseudo-true information Kiki Jr. brought to my attention the upcoming "gay bomb"
A new book by a journalist "exposing" our underground world and what happens "in-between" men.
Suspicious as usual from media treatment of homosexuality, especially in the Arab world, whether positively or negatively, I hurried to Facebook and checked the pre-release press information.
While the inevitable controversial subject really got my interest piqued to an extent, I was still cautious, far from optimistic.
The last thing "We" need is another media fiasco and a subsequent State Security crackdown.
As if things are not shitty enough as they are for every now.

Fate had it that a copy was available through a friend and I got to skim through the next big thing since Soad Hosni threatened to write her autobiography.
What a sham!
What a pathetic excuse of journalistic mediocrity!
Rubbish at its best!
A contrived piece of bad writing, bad reporting and an unabashed use of real life drama for the purpose of infamous attention.
When will self-seeking, semi-talented people stop using minorities as a getaway to stardom?
Of all the controversial issues in this country, this do-no-good nobody had to pick homosexuality?
If you are not talented and you don't want to work on making up on what you lack and you are too lazy to try anything else why take this shortcut and hurt the interests of others while publicly alleging that you are "supporting the rights of oppressed minorities"!
Oppressed minorities my ass!
The book creatively called, "In the Country of Boys", is supposed to be a story of poor gay kid and his struggles in life as an Egyptian living in Cairo.
Trying to pitch the book to big scale bookstores, the author sent samples to all the major book retailers in Cairo and of course, no self-respecting bookstore would put this trash on their shelves.
And this has nothing to do with minorities, and nothing to do with gay people.
The book is just bad.

What does our wonderful , supportive author do?
He threatens to file a lawsuit against everyone who refused to buy his book!
Speaking of defending fundamental human rights!
Not only that, he threatens to organize a strike and he actually created a Facebook group to boycott all the bookstores that refused to buy his book.

Now I am not only insulted as a gay person by the shallow, crude and opportunistic way in which this gentleman represented "our struggle", I am insulted as a person that someone can so blatantly violate the very principles he claims he's defending.

This is not a passionate defender of human rights, or gay rights for that matter. Thats a self-serving, media-hungry hooligan.

The Country of Boys is no Country for Gay Men!


Ice Queer said…
LOL! He's just a broken-hearted queen!

Anyway, I'm interested to read this piece of crap

P.S What's with the animated "Three chefs" ads!
E said…
Don't bother!
Its just too cliched!

PS sweetheart, someone has to pay the bills! lol ;)
Moses said…
three chefs? i'm intrigued
Anonymous said…
Get writing then, you big moping mcdoogle!
E said…
For the first Anon, no, I am not advocating a reign of silence.
Not one bit.
If possible, speak up and "tell them like it is".
Thank God, we have the blogosphere for that.

But if half-witted, pseudo-talented, fame-seeking journalists want to have their 15 mins of fame at our expense, then I would say it out loud and clear, "Shut the F*CK UP!!"
And stop spreading your shit around!
This is not an essay on human understanding or a nuanced, sensitive account of the miserable life of a desperate queen.
This is a mediocre piece of badly written reporting.
There is not talent, no respect, no humanism.
Just unashamed, screaming need for attention and controversy.
This does not help the cause.
Whoever is writing this rubbish does not want to help the cause.
So thats why silence is in order.

For the second Anon, when its as hot and "dry" as it is here, its lucky anyone is writing at all!
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find a date with a seemingly normal person in this city??!
Why don't walk a mile in those ugly shoes, then you write about it!
haha! ;p i love this, interesting....

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